"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Friday 1 December, 2006

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Here are some good websites on the life and works of Archbishop Fulton Sheen, "Servant of God".



Thursday 30 November, 2006

Discussion on Penance - JOYnet Posting

Q. What exactly is penance? Why should we do it? Actually I was never aware of the requirement of doing penance. When I was small (8-9 standard in school) I used to do small penances like sacrificing some food, subjecting myself to small physical pains. etc..

But when I grew up and came to JY some how I got an idea it is not correct and we should not do it. Because christ has died for all my sins - for all that I have done and those I am yet to do. He has paid the price for me.

But these days when I am reading about many saints I see that all of them has done a lot of penances. Also the church asks us to do some penance on fridays. Also during the sacrement of confession the priest asks us to do some penance. But why should we pay the price of our sins if christ has already paid it in full. Is it our participation in the salvation process?

Can someone throw some light to this? Can you tell me what the church teaches about it?


A very good teaching on penance by His Holiness Pope John XXIII is found here.

1. What is penance?

Penance is the practical expression of our repentance and the will to confirm to the Holy will of God.

Penance is generally expressed in the following ways.



1434 The interior penance of the Christian can be expressed in many and various ways. Scripture and the Fathers insist above all on three forms, fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others. Alongside the radical purification brought about by Baptism or martyrdom they cite as means of obtaining forgiveness of sins: effort at reconciliation with one's neighbor, tears of repentance, concern for the salvation of one's neighbor, the intercession of the saints, and the practice of charity "which covers a multitude of sins."

1435 Conversion is accomplished in daily life by gestures of reconciliation, concern for the poor, the exercise and defense of justice and right, by the admission of faults to one's brethren, fraternal correction, revision of life, examination of conscience, spiritual direction, acceptance of suffering, endurance of persecution for the sake of righteousness. Taking up one's cross each day and following Jesus is the surest way of penance.

1436 Eucharist and Penance. Daily conversion and penance find their source and nourishment in the Eucharist, for in it is made present the sacrifice of Christ which has reconciled us with God. Through the Eucharist those who live from the life of Christ are fed and strengthened. "It is a remedy to free us from our daily faults and to preserve us from mortal sins."

1437 Reading Sacred Scripture, praying the Liturgy of the Hours and the Our Father - every sincere act of worship or devotion revives the spirit of conversion and repentance within us and contributes to the forgiveness of our sins.

1438 The seasons and days of penance in the course of the liturgical year (Lent, and each Friday in memory of the death of the Lord) are intense moments of the Church's penitential practice. These times are particularly appropriate for spiritual exercises, penitential liturgies, pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting and almsgiving, and fraternal sharing (charitable and missionary works).

1439 The process of conversion and repentance was described by Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son, the center of which is the merciful father: the fascination of illusory freedom, the abandonment of the father's house; the extreme misery in which the son finds himself after squandering his fortune; his deep humiliation at finding himself obliged to feed swine, and still worse, at wanting to feed on the husks the pigs ate; his reflection on all he has lost; his repentance and decision to declare himself guilty before his father; the journey back; the father's generous welcome; the father's joy - all these are characteristic of the process of conversion. The beautiful robe, the ring, and the festive banquet are symbols of that new life - pure worthy, and joyful - of anyone who returns to God and to the bosom of his family, which is the Church. Only the heart Of Christ Who knows the depths of his Father's love could reveal to us the abyss of his mercy in so simple and beautiful a way.

2. Why should we do it?

We frail human beings cannot do atonement for our sins ourselves. We have no other option but to believe in the One Sacrifice that Jesus Christ did for us. So our penance cannot save us. But doing penance, we can repair the damages caused by our sin (of owr on soul, of a neighbour who is affected) and Jesus expects us to do it. Remember what happenned when Zacchaeus decides to do penance.

(Luke 19:5-9)

5 When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house."

6 And he came down quickly and received him with joy.

7 When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying, "He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner."

8 But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, "Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four times over."

9 And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham.



1459 Many sins wrong our neighbor. One must do what is possible in order to repair the harm (e.g., return stolen goods, restore the reputation of someone slandered, pay compensation for injuries). Simple justice requires as much. But sin also injures and weakens the sinner himself, as well as his relationships with God and neighbor. Absolution takes away sin, but it does not remedy all the disorders sin has caused. Raised up from sin, the sinner must still recover his full spiritual health by doing something more to make amends for the sin: he must "make satisfaction for" or "expiate" his sins. This satisfaction is also called "penance."

1460 The penance the confessor imposes must take into account the penitent's personal situation and must seek his spiritual good. It must correspond as far as possible with the gravity and nature of the sins committed. It can consist of prayer, an offering, works of mercy, service of neighbor, voluntary self-denial, sacrifices, and above all the patient acceptance of the cross we must bear. Such penances help configure us to Christ, who alone expiated our sins once for all. They allow us to become co-heirs with the risen Christ, "provided we suffer with him."

The satisfaction that we make for our sins, however, is not so much ours as though it were not done through Jesus Christ. We who can do nothing ourselves, as if just by ourselves, can do all things with the cooperation of "him who strengthens" us. Thus man has nothing of which to boast, but all our boasting is in Christ... in whom we make satisfaction by bringing forth "fruits that befit repentance." These fruits have their efficacy from him, by him they are offered to the Father, and through him they are accepted by the Father.

Many non-Catholic brethren have objection with this doctrine. But see, this is quite Scriptural. We see Jesus doing penance in the wilderness. It was not for His own sake, but for our sins and also to show us an example.

By following the desires of the flesh, we forget the well-being of our spirit. It is quite justified that we control the passions of the body and keep the body subject to the spirit, which is in turn subject to the Spirit of God. See Galationa 5

16 I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh.

17 For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want.

18 But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

...... fruits of body and spirit explained .......

24 Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires.

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. (Rom 8:4)

Well I once again request you to read His Holiness Pope John XXIII's Encyclical. It contains so many Scriptural references.

Tuesday 28 November, 2006

Pope is visiting Turkey today!!!


NOV. 28 – DEC. 1, 2006

Heavenly Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name, we humbly ask that you sustain, inspire, and protect your servant, Pope Benedict XVI, as he goes on pilgrimage to Turkey – a land to which St. Paul brought the Gospel of your Son; a land where once the Mother of your Son, the Seat of Wisdom, dwelt; a land where faith in your Son’s true divinity was definitively professed. Bless our Holy Father, who comes as a messenger of truth and love to all people of faith and good will dwelling in this land so rich in history. In the power of the Holy Spirit, may this visit of the Holy Father bring about deeper ties of understanding, cooperation, and peace among Roman Catholics, the Orthodox, and those who profess Islam. May the prayers and events of these historic days greatly contribute both to greater accord among those who worship you, the living and true God, and also to peace in our world so often torn apart by war and sectarian violence. We also ask, O Heavenly Father, that you watch over and protect Pope Benedict and entrust him to the loving care of Mary, under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, a title cherished both by Catholics and Muslims. Through her prayers and maternal love, may Pope Benedict be kept safe from all harm as he prays, bears witness to the Gospel, and invites all peoples to a dialogue of faith, reason, and love. We make our prayer through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer composed by Bishop William E. Lori,
Knights of Columbus Supreme Chaplain

Friday 17 November, 2006

A Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Thank you Father, for entrusting me a Perpetual Adoration Chapel. For a long time I did not give it proper care and attention. Today I see that lots of dirt and trash have filled it so much that I forget that such a Chapel really exists. Help me Lord, to clean it up with your Son's Precious Blood and your abundant help, and to guard it with zeal and veneration.

Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for You made me the temple of your Holy Spirit. You restored this temple by giving up your Body and Blood, cleansed it, and set apart for yourself. Help me to come back to your Cross, where I shall be restored once again, no matter how much I have destroyed myself.

Thank you Holy Spirit, for dwelling in me, and filling me with the adoration for my Father. Impart me your presence, your life, your character and your will. Transform me, make me like Jesus. Help me to pour out my life for the Triune God, and for His children.

"Zeal for your house will consume me." - John 2:17

Friday 10 November, 2006

A Book I Want To Write

I am thinking these days of writing something - something that can become a book. It's just an idea, and may seem weird to you. Probably someone might have already done the job that I'm looking for. The subject is

Why? Why? Why?

I've seen a book with similar title in Malayalam, that gives scientific explanation of a lots of common things that we see around. I really enjoyed reading that book.

You may wonder how Binu can even think of writing such a book. Well my idea is quite different from the above said book.

Well this book will give short and sweet explanation about WHAT the Catholic Church teaches about certain common issues in the soceity, and WHY. For example, issues like Contraception, Divorce, Women Priesthood etc. in which even many Catholics share difference of opinion with the Church.

Ha!!! Now that you got the point, (if you are interested) kindly help me with some ideas. Or if you already know about such a book that already exists, kindly give its details.

I am sure that such a book will definitely help Catholics to understand our dear Mother Church. It will also help non Catholics to understand and appreciate the riches of the Catholic faith.

God bless you........

Friday 3 November, 2006

On the Feast of St. Martin de Porres

Again a JOYnet posting dated 03-Nov-2004

Today is the feast of St. Martin de Porres, the Negro Saint. He is someone who has deeply inspired me, so much... may be more than any other saint. I was always fond of, or rather, hungry of reading the life of saints. There are many such biographies that laid a solid foundation of faith for building up core convictions regarding faith and morals. To cite a few, St. Francis of Assissi, St. Therese of Lisiex, St. Antony of Padua, St. Antony Mary Clarette, St. Padre Pio, St. Dominic Savio, St. John Maria Vianni, St Catherine of Sienna and so on. Some of these biographies give a very detailed description of various phases and situations they went through, which has really helped me a lot. But I don't know how a 100-odd paged simple biography of St. Martin could make such a difference in my life much more than all the others!!!! to the point that when I received Holy Baptism in 2002 September, I could not think of any other name for me than MARTIN... Yes my dear brothers and sisters, today is the feast not only of St Martin de Porres, but mine also!!! Also is today the 2nd anniversary of my First Holy Communion... Praise the Lord.. Before my Baptism, someone in our prayer group, who was unaware that St Martin is my favourite saint, suggested this name for me. Well that was no less than a confirmation for me.

Martin was the son of a poor negro woman and a rich & noble father. Right from His childhood, he grew in conviction that he was "a child of God, and thus hier to God, and joint hier with Christ". Thus rather than getting angry towards the elite people who would unjustly discriminate people racially, he always looked at and rejoiced at the Master who knows no prejudice. Right from childhood he practised charity. On the way to market, he was not reluctant to give away the "hard-earned money" of his mother to the beggars and those less fortunate than him. He could see the Divine Mendicant in them and served his best. He used to pray for hours in his small room. When his family went through troubled times he was forced to discontinue stuies and joined a surgeon as an assistant where he quickly learnt his job and found joy in serving the sick. The town soon realized the potential of the young chap when they saw Martin him the wound with quickness and precision and easing the pain of a person carried (in great agony) to the dispensary when the doctor was away. His loved ones saw a great career ahead for him as a medical assistant; but Martin had chosen a better career for him - the lowliest in the sight of man, but the greatest before God. "Whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave." (Mt 20:26-27) He wished to be servant in the nearby poor Dominican Monastery "to serve the servants of God". The friends and relatives tried to dissuade him, and even to threaten him. "But," - the author puts, I really like this sentence - "his decision was firm, and simple. And such decisions taken in simplicity could rarely be disuaded from."

Simplicity was the hallmark of our Saint. The monastery authorities could not understand why such a committed and potential person chose to be a servant. They offered him to prepare for Holy Orders, "but our saint considered himself too unworthy of such a great previlege". In the monastery he did all the mean duties with so much of joy. Everytime anyone finds himself in some problem or need, it was referred to Martin when everything else fails; for he had solution for all. When the monks started witnessing the miracles that the Lord kept on performing through him, they realized that there is a little saint living in their midst. He was very compassionate. Healings used to happen when our saint serves the sick a glass of water or a vegetable salad. He used to distribute food among the poor who would gather in front of the monastery. Without looking at the number of loaves left in the basket, he used to distribute. The loaves would finish only after the last hand stretched towards him was full. It was a usual sight of Martin feeding stray animals. Sometimes it is seen a dog, cat and a rat eating from the same vessel. When the House faced the problem of "rat population explosion" and brothers complained, Martin confessed - "It was my mistake. I didn't take enough care to feed the poor rats". He then had an "agreement" with the rats that all the rats would be fed by Martin in a "rat-shed" and the rats in turn would not trouble the brothers any more. "The rats gracefully agreed and kept their promise".

Martin was blessed with so many spiritual gifts, such as BILOCATION. People from various parts of the world experienced the love and affection and care of Martin, though he never left his hometown Lima of Peru. Once as he returned from some place, he saw the brothers mourning the death of a close friend of Martin. He had wished Martin to be there before he died. Martin said - "How can he die. I am going to wake him up." He entered the room and said. "Brother, I have come as you wished. Now in the name of Jesus, you stand up." He came back to life to the surprise of the Brothers. Immediately, displaying an act of utter simplicity, he remembered the promise to the rats, and went to do it, leaving all the onlookers marvelled by the miracle, and even more by this simplicity.

Martin prophesied his death about 4 days before he died. The whole of Peru as well as from outside flocked to get a glimpse of the Living Saint. He had "Heavenly Visitors" (Blessed Virgin and St Dominic) when the earthly elite had to wait to get an appointment with him. He died the beautiful death promised to the Chosen Ones.

For those who want to know more about Martin, pls go through...


Saturday 28 October, 2006

Thus It All Happened

The following is a beautiful account of the blessing that my dear friend Br. Shaiju (Kalyan Diocese) received after attending a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

Date: 24th of Oct, 2006.
Venue: St. Peter’s Basilica
Occasion: The Holy Mass for the beginning of the academic year of the ecclesiastical Universities.

It was the first Holy Mass we have attended in the St.Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Mass in Lain rite, in Latin language. The whole basilica was immersed in the Gregorian music, praising the Holy Trinity. The choir was really like that of angels. Absolutely, a heavenly feeling.

We (I was with my friend) were bit late to enter into the basilica. Still we have managed to occupy ourselves at the centre of the basilica. Within a few minutes the Holy Mass began, and we attended wholeheartedly. Remember, the Holy Mass was not officiated by the Pope.

After the Holy Mass the Pope has been coming to the basilica to give the message and to bless the gathering.

"Shaiju, Pàppa is not on the vehicle, he is coming walking through the center... also he lays hands on everybody who stands on the sides..." Lijo (my friend) told me.

When I heard this I cursed myself. Because, firstly, we were standing nine chairs away from the side, secondly, we could enter in the basilica earlier and get the side seats if we were trying. Now it is not possible to reach the side because everyone is in the mood of being blessed by the Pope. Also, it was an unexpected decision by him, because he usually move on a small vehicle and bless the people from it.

I prayed to Mother Mary to prepare a way for me. But I became late by my own laziness. Anyway, there is no chance for me, because to overtake nine persons is not a handy task, especially in a situation like this.

"No problem, we will try during the Christmas Mass" I consoled my mind.

"No! you have a chance today!!" I felt like someone telling in my mind.

"Whatever it be, let’s see," told to my mind.

He was almost reaching us and the all were moving forward. I was also moving forward by leaving chairs behind me one,two,three… It’s finished, no more place to move.
By that time Lijo stood upon a chair and started taking some first-hand snaps of the Pope. I saw two Indian sisters standing beside me (not Keralites).

"Excuse me sisters, please let me stand in front" I asked.

They agreed, and now I am two more chairs ahead! Then I saw a vacant chair in front of me. Moving it into another line, now I am one more step further.

"Lijo!!! look!!! now I am in the second raw!!!!" I yelled.

"how could you manage this" he asked.

"I think Mother Mary has done it for me" I replied.

He was still standing on the chair and taking the photographs.

Now I clearly see the Holy Father coming forward. The more he is near the more is the heartbeats.Somany thoughts were forming in the mind... whether I would be able to touch the Pope, even if I could, as I am not in the first raw, will the photographers be able to take the photo... thus.

He is moving ahead, seconds were like minutes and minutes were like hours. Finally the Time has arrived. The pope is standing in front of me!!!!! I could not believe my eyes. I am standing a few centimeters away from the Pope Benedict XVI, the Moral King of the world, in front of him- whom the world listens carefully and obey. I stretched out my hands completely to touch him. At the same moment he raised his hands in the air. I caught on the left hand!!! His left hand was completely in my hands!!! I caught them With both of my hands!!! I started moving (waving) his hands up and down. Then he looked at me!!! into my eyes, I didn’t take my gaze from that of him. We stood like this for some four or five seconds. So beautiful brown eyes!!! What a powerful gaze!!! WOW! Still that is so clear to me when I write this. He was about to move. But I did not leave my hands. Then, his security came to me raising his hands in anger. Suddenly I left the hands of the Pope. I asked my mind, "Are there devils in heaven too???"

When he moved away I caught my hands together and moved to my seat. I sat there tranquilly and thanked Mother Mary for having cleared my way, because if She had not helped me it would have still remained as a dream.

Collegio Ecclesiastico Internationale, "Sedes Sapientiae", Via Dei Genovesi-30, 00153-Roma, Italy.

Thursday 19 October, 2006

On the Feast of St. Luke

Here is again a JOYnet posting dated 19-Oct-2004

A striking feature of Luke's gospel is the open invitation to all to receive mighty healings not only in body, but also in spirit and broken hearts. As I understand, no other evangelist has unveiled this face of Jesus as the Total Healer in every realm of human life as much as Luke did. When I started experiencing the irresistable love of Jesus in my life, I was a little hesitant, because neither I nor the people who knew me had a good impression about me. I, out of my ignorance thought that God is unaware of my past (looks silly right???). How can someone so good love someone else so bad!!! But slowly through His humble servants as God encouraged me to read the Gospel.... I was so amazed by the FORGIVING and HEALING LOVE of Jesus.

Here are a very few examples I can remember.

  • Healing the servant of the centurion (Lk 7:1-10). (Very special to me as I am from a Hindu family)
  • The parable of the lost lamb (Lk 15:1-7)
  • The parable of the lost coin (Lk 15:8-10)
  • The parable of the prodigal son (Lk 15:11-32)
  • Healing and forgiving words to the sinner woman who washed His feet (Lk 7:36-50)
  • Jesus calling Sacceus (Lk 19:1-10)
For people deeply hurt by lack of confidence, rejection, insecurity, guilty conscience, failure, sinfulness, fear, for all brokenness in spirit, mind and body, Dr. Luke prescribes Jesus as THE MEDICINE. Luke is a true doctor who knows the faculties God gives to the human doctors, as also their limitations. Thank you St. Luke, for God used you to bring our broken selves to the Divine Doctor.

Monday 5 June, 2006

Some ROSARY Tips

(This posting is more relevant for those who are familiar with this beautiful form of prayer. For more details about rosary, visit http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm)

I want to share some tips while praying rosary, or rather, it applies to any prayer we make. It need not be taken as authentic, coz it is a result of my reflection during my prayer time. The "some people" I refer below very much include me too, as I look back at 9 years of my walk with the Lord.

1. What should be the speed of saying a prayer?

a. Some people say vocal prayers as if in tongues. It is so fast that Mother Mary and God the Father (I assume) find it very difficult to follow it, and fall in utter confusion. ;)

b. Some are better. They say the prayer fairly fast, but as they say it their mind try to follow the words. It helps, but still it is very likely that we miss the meaning.

c. Some people are very slow; probably because of the bad experiences (a) and (b) they go to the other extreme. They think that praying slowly pleases God. In this attempt they even distract the others who are praying with them. The mind has to wait for some time before the words follow it. Mind finds it difficult to connect the beginnning to end of a sentence.

d. To my understanding and experience, words should go hand in hand with the mind. Words are to help our mind, and not to distract it. Words cannot gauarantee to express the true state of the mind. If mind wanders in between, words must wait. By practising this, "words get aware of its importance and will wait for its dear friend mind, and vice versa." The Lord who looks at the heart takes delight in such a prayer, and in the one who prays. This benefits us and we grow in His relationship and in love towards God and Mother Mary.

It is true that when we pray as a group, words cannot wait for the mind. But the sincere prayer of type (d) by others will help our minds not to wander. Also, the above said kind of prayer must be practised during personal prayer time.

2. What about intentions, mysteries during rosary?

a. When we meditate about a mystery, we must truly spend some time in meditation. All the mysteries are Word of God Himself (I like to say Himself rather than itelf). They do have relevance in our personal and community life. I experience His healing, consolation and power during this excercise.

b. It is a good practice to offer our prayer intentions during each mystery. Our Mother too prays with us for all these intentions. But be careful... out of zeal many a time our mind is so engrossed in "pushing" those intentions to Heaven even when we say "Our Father" and "Hail Mary".

c. When we say "Our Father", we are speaking to Our Father, and nothing else. It is not a time of meditating the mysteries or raising our intentions. Let the mysteries (though they are Word of God) not distract us from our personal, intimate talk with the Father. Mean it every word, for it is the prayer taught by God.... it is the greatest prayer we can ever make to God. We don't know better words to express our love for Him, seek His kingdom and righteousness, raise our petitions, receive deliverance, healing and protection, and to declare that all kingdom, authority, praise and glory belongs to Him. Let the intentions "offered" in the beginning, stay as "offering" and not as endless cycle of "offering at His feet, taking back in hand and again offering."

Same is the case with "Hail Mary". It is your time and prayer with our Beloved Mother. She knows how to add to our intentions her Powerful Intercession. Take that time to grow in her love and care rather than worry about our needs.

I thank God for rosary and other prayers recommended by the Church. Even those who do not know how to use beautiful and eloquent words to pray can get benefited. When we do it contemplatively and meaningfully, it is new every time, we find the fresh streams of Living Waters flowing to us.

+ Hail Jesus + ... + Ave Maria +

Prayerfully yours......

Binu Asokan.

The Good Shepherd

Once upon a time, there was a lamb. It was amongst a flock of hundred on a countryside. It was happy with the best shepherd in the country. He took care of the flock, led them to the most beautiful green pastures, and took them to the sweetest of fresh waters.

The shepherd was very fond of this lamb; as he was of the other ninety-nine. Whenever the lamb heard His voice, it would leap with joy and run towards him. And it always found comfort and rest on the bosom of the shepherd.

Time went on and days passed by, and as the lamb was growing it started getting disturbed by the distractions of the world around and the growing curiosity to experience new things. "I am not supposed to be bound by these restrictions. I want freedom!! I want to go anywhere I want, and to have anything I like to eat and drink." Growing enthusiasm to explore greener pastures and to enjoy freedom led it to think of even breaking the boundaries and flee. And one day it did!!!

The gates of a new sizzling world opened before the lamb. The new world impressed it with its amazing colours, pastures much more beautiful than those the shepherd would lead the flock to, and waters that tasted sweeter. It had stomachful of food and drink, and merried around in its newly found place.

Though tasty and sweet, it realized that these food and drink were not so really satisfying its hunger and thirst. And the fun he had here could not match the joyful company of the other ninety nine. And above all, it dearly missed the loving smile and caring hands of the shepherd. "How good I used to feel in his presence!!! And how lonely I am now!!"

The lamb wanted to return to the shepherd and his flock. But soon it realized that it has lost the way. It did not know which direction to go. The way was rough, and it got tired as it went around madly looking for the right way. And then it happened.... It got caught in a thorny bush. It tried to get out, but all efforts were in vain. Every time it tried, the cuts in the body got deeper, and it lost all its hope. Overcome with weakness, fear and tiredness, it fell unconscious.

After a while the lamb opened the eyes. It found itself no longer in that thorny bush, but in a cozy green riverside. It was pleasantly surprised to see his loving shepherd soaking his towel in the cool waters. He came back soon. There were cuts in his hands. He got those while rescuing the lamb. The lamb watched him cleaning the wounds gently and kissing them with his typical tender love. Seeing that it regained consciousness, he gave it a beautiful smile. His eyes were not complaining, but were full of joy, for at last he found out his dear one.

The lamb, initially embarrassed to have showed up in this pathetic situation, now regained confidence and asked its dear shepherd - "How did you find me?" "I was noting the change in your attitudes. So I was keeping an eye over you, for I did not want to lose you. I love you so much!!" It listened to him as he replied with his eyes filled. The lamb too could not stop tears falling.

"When I saw you running away I called you. But your ears were closed to my voice. I followed you, leaving behind the other ninety-nine, for how do you think I can stay happy without you my little one?!!!" The shepherd gave it a warm hug, which the lamb could never forget in its lifetime. He carried it on his shoulders. When they reached home, the other ninety-nine saw him dancing and shouting with joy - "I've found it, I've found my dear one.." They joined the shepherd in celebration and welcomed back the lost lamb they loved so dearly.

What a good shepherd he is!!! Even now when he finds some of his sheep behaving indifferently, he ensures them of his great love. Or when some are lost, he walks miles to find them out. He doesn't lay aside any effort to bring them back. He strengthens with his love those good sheep which obey him, teaches them how to be better in character. He entrusts them with others, which need more attention. With a shepherd like him, they don't have anything to worry about. Neither thieves nor wild animals could do any harm to them, for the shepherd protects them and keeps them in safe places.

Today this tender love, care and protection of the GOOD SHEPHERD speaks in silence to His sheep - "Where are you going? I have the Words of Eternal Life. And I am the Way the Truth and the Life. I am the Good Shepherd, and I even lay my life for you. And you shall not be in want..." - Jn 6:68, Jn 14:11, Jn 10:11, Ps 23:1

Thursday 1 June, 2006

A Strange Answer

From my own personal experience, I am sure that any believer who has taken Christianity seriously has faced countless doubts about the various aspects of faith - sometimes about even the basics. This happens at various stages of our spiritual growth. When one doubt is cleared (after a period of struggle with it), next one comes. This question had no relevance before, but when the earlier one is clear now, it has popped up.

'The more you believe, the more you understand; and the more you understand, the more questions we face. The more questions we face, the more hard we seek. The more hard we seek, the more we understand. The more we understand, the more we believe...'

Even as we struggle with these questions, a strange assurance keeps us move forward. ie. The answer will be found. "Seek, and you shall find... everyone who seeks finds.." - Mat 7:7,8. He has revealed His ways before, He will do it again for me.

The disciples of John the Baptist were placed in a strange situation. Wanna know what? Once their teacher pointed his finger at a man named Jesus and told them - (John 1:29-34)

29 "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.

30 He is the one of whom I said, 'A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'

31 I did not know him, but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be made known to Israel."

32 John testified further, saying, "I saw the Spirit come down like a dove from the sky and remain upon him.

33 I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptize with the holy Spirit.'

34 Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God."

And now the same teacher, a prophet of God, has asked them to get a confirmation from Jesus about Himself!!! And this happened when Jesus became very famous after He raised from the dead the son of a window in a place called Nain.

Luke chapter 7:17-19

17 This report about him spread through the whole of Judea and in all the surrounding region.

18 The disciples of John told him about all these things. John summoned two of his disciples

19 and sent them to the Lord to ask, "Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?"

I am sure the disciples of John got confused. They fully trusted John. They had spent quite some time with him, saw him, heard him, watched him carefully... and truly believed that he was a man of God, speaking God's message. His ultimate mission as they knew was to prepare the way for the Lord, the Messiah, the Son of God. And they saw him clearly pointing to Jesus with great conviction that He is the lamb of God. He even saw the testimony of the Spirit as was promised to him by the Father. They were preparing themselves for the time when their teacher would ask them to join Jesus and His other disciples. Now why is he in doubt?? Or should we really wait for someone else?? But people say Jesus is doing a lot of miracles and signs, and why doubt Him??

And they went to meet Jesus.

20 When the men came to him, they said, "John the Baptist has sent us to you to ask, 'Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?'"

What to expect now? Will Jesus give a theological sermon explaining the eternal truths? Or will Jesus rebuke St. John the Baptist in harsh words about his lack of faith? Imagine what was going through the minds of Apostles, all the people gathered there, the Pharisees and Scribes (who were waiting to criticize Him), and the disciples of John themselves?

21 At that time he cured many of their diseases, sufferings, and evil spirits; he also granted sight to many who were blind.

Oh!!! What is He doing now? Did He not hear the question? Or is He trying to evade the questions and distract the people by doing miracles?

22 And he said to them in reply, "Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.

23 And blessed is the one who takes no offense at me."

I see!!! He was giving them an answer. It was a fullfilment of the prophesy from Isiah 61:1-2

(1) "The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted, (2) to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God, to comfort all who mourn;"

By fulfilling the promise and prophesy about the Messiah, Jesus confirmed His identity. His actions always underscored His teachings. He taught with authority, and a genuine seeker of truth gets enough confirmation as he opens his ears to His Words, and his eyes to see Him and His works.

Jesus once tells the Pharisees who questioned Him - (37) "If I do not perform my Father's works, do not believe me; (38) but if I perform them, even if you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may realize (and understand) that the Father is in me and I am in the Father." (John 10:37-38)

Now the people thought that Jesus would rebuke John the Baptist. But they got a totally different response from Jesus. He said:

26 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.

27 This is the one about whom scripture says: 'Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, he will prepare your way before you.'

28 I tell you, among those born of women, no one is greater than John; yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he."

29 (All the people who listened, including the tax collectors, and who were baptized with the baptism of John, acknowledged the righteousness of God;

30 but the Pharisees and scholars of the law, who were not baptized by him, rejected the plan of God for themselves.)

O.. Oh!!!! If it's so, then how did he doubt Jesus??

I can't help admiring the wisdom of John. He knew who Jesus is. He did not need any confirmation to believe that Jesus was the "One who is to come". His disciples too believed it, because they were sure about the integrity of John, whom they regarded as a prophet. But John knew that it was not enough. He wanted his disciples to have a "personal experience" of Jesus. A time will come when his testimony alone cannot keep them in faith. Every believer must go through the struggle of questions about the truth, and must explore and experience this truth themselves. And John, as a wise and loving teacher and guide, allowed his disciples to go through this struggle, only to come back to him confirmed in their faith and full of joy.

Many Samaritans came to know Jesus through the sinner woman who had a personal encounter with Jesus at a place called Sychar in Samaria. John 4:4-42

And this is what it is written in the end.

(41) Many more began to believe in him because of his word, (42) and they said to the woman, "We no longer believe because of your word; for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is truly the savior of the world."

We lament about people who leave the faith and Church so often. These days I read that many people got confused when they read the book "Da Vinci Code", and that more and more youngsters who read "Harry Potter" series ended up developing hatred for Jesus. A large chunk of Christians in this world are Christians by chance, and not by choice. I am sure that prople leave Christianity because they have not had a personal encounter with Jesus. If we do not help our children and youth have a kerygmatic experience (experiencing the salvation through a real conversion of heart, accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Master, and experiencing the works of the Holy Spirit), no amount of Catechesis (teaching to those who who already believe and experience God) will help them in their trying times to hold on to a faith they have never experienced.

Wednesday 24 May, 2006

How do you walk? by sight.... or by faith?

These days I often reflect on the incident when Jesus brings Lazarus back to life, in John chapter 11. Read the full story here. It's interesting that Jesus purposefully delays his visit to Lazarus, his dear friend. He gets the news of latter's illness.

4 When Jesus heard this he said, "This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it."

He goes only after Lazarus' death. Knowing that Jesus came, Lazarus' sister Martha meets Him.

21 Martha said to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

22 (But) even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you."

23 Jesus said to her, "Your brother will rise."

24 Martha said to him, "I know he will rise, in the resurrection on the last day."

25 Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,

26 and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

27 She said to him, "Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world."Martha believed that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. She had witnessed many miracles done by Him which assured her that Jesus could have healed her brother had He been around. But Jesus had different plans. He wants to use this incident to underline a new teaching - that He is the resurrection and life. Every miracle He performed had a few intentions behind it.

  1. To demonstrate His immense love for us, and His care and concern for the needy.

  2. To demonstrate His authority as the Messiah & the Son of God, over the whole creation, and over sin. Examples:
    • Evil spirits - Casting out demons. Mark 5:1-16, Luke 4:31-36
    • Water - Walking on the water, turning water to wine. John 2:1-11
    • Wind, sea & the storm - Mat 8:24-26
    • Sin - Healing the paralytic brought by 4 persons breaking the ceiling. Mat 9:2-8
    • Sicknesses - All the healings
  3. To teach something that is different from the general perception Examples:
    • The gentiles will inherit the kingdom of God - Healing the servant of the Centurion. Mat 8:5-11
    • Love your enemies - Healing the ear of the soldier who came to seize Him. Luke 22:50
  4. To confirm the validity of His teachings. Examples:
    • He is greater than the prophets - Transfiguration at Tabor Mat 17:1-8
    • He is the Anointed One - Baptism at Jordan. Luke 3:21-22
    • Fulfilment of prophesies about the Messiah - Reply to the disciples of St John the Baptist. Mat 11:2-6
.... and may be much much more...

Jesus keeps stressing about the importance of BELIEF. The belief in Him (".. whoever believes in me...."), and the belief in His words/teachings ("... Do you believe this?")

Let me take you back to Matthew chapter 8.

27 And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed (him), crying out, "Son of David, have pity on us!"

28 When he entered the house, the blind men approached him and Jesus said to them, "Do you believe that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they said to him.

29 Then he touched their eyes and said, "Let it be done for you according to your faith."

30 And their eyes were opened.......

Jesus is setting their faith right, before their eyesight. Verse 29 seals the importance of the act of thier faith expressed by saying "Yes Lord". And in V 30 we see the result.

Back to John 11... Mary too joins the scene. She expressed their sorrow for their loved one's departure, and the hope they had in Him, who could have healed him. Jesus weeps with them. He is the One who put on the sorrows of the entire humanity, and who else knew her pain more than Him.

And now the greatest surprise of all. Jesus asks the people to remove the stone. Martha tries to make Jesus come to terms with the realities. She might have thought of His inexperience in these matters. His reply is strange, but convincing - "Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?"

Jesus did not remove the stone Himself. Then who did it? A "practical" man wouldn't have done that. I think some "crazy" fellows got impressed by the confidence Jesus displayed. He was well composed. That reminds me of a popular statement in the crime-fighting serial (Seldge Hammer) I used to watch on TV long time back - "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

And a few prople came forward. Might be thinking - "I know it's weird. But this man has done many things in the past quite differently. Such unexpected things can be expected of him." Yet they don't quite seem to believe that Jesus is sent by God.

41 So they took away the stone. And Jesus raised his eyes and said, "Father, I thank you for hearing me.

42 I know that you always hear me; but because of the crowd here I have said this, that they may believe that you sent me."

43 And when he had said this, he cried out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"

44 The dead man came out, tied hand and foot with burial bands, and his face was wrapped in a cloth. So Jesus said to them, "Untie him and let him go."

45 Now many of the Jews who had come to Mary and seen what he had done began to believe in him.

WOW... The dead man is back to life!!! And not only that... many people began to believe in Him!!!

See... Jesus insisted on belief... Martha & Mary believed... People saw the miracle... They too believed... And Martha & Mary saw the glory of God, as He promised. Well, they will see the full glory of God in eternity, because they believed. They could believe that too, which is still unseen, because they see time and again that Jesus is a man who keeps His Word.

"Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen." (Heb 11:1)

My RSV translation says - "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible. (Heb 11:3)

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor 5:7).

"Because he is found by those who test him not, and he manifests himself to those who do not disbelieve him." (Wisdom 1:2)

"Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand." - St. Augustine

There is only one door to reach and understand God - FAITH. It is upto you and me to whether enter through it or show our back to it.

Those who deny God and His existence, question the authority of the Church and the Bible, shut this door for themselves. They do not know what they lose, but finds pride in not bowing before anyone. But who can measure the infinite goodness of God???? He calls them day by day towards Him through the language they can understand - their emptyness within themselves (for depriving God His temple), their sufferings, their boredom towards the pleasures of this world which robbed them of their true joy.

Dear "Da Vinci Code" followers, "Harry Potter" fans, Rock Music fans .... Now is the time when God is calling you.... Happy is the one who hears Him, and reach him through the beautiful door, called FAITH.

Tuesday 23 May, 2006

A Love Letter from Heaven

Kingdom of Heaven
My most beloved son/daughter,

Listen! the Lord who made you, who formed you in the womb (Is.44:1-2) says, you are mine (Is.44:21) before I formed you in the womb I knew you (Jer.1:5). I knit you together in your mother's womb (Ps.139:13). Your life & everything belongs to me (Ez13:4). I created you in my image (Gen.1:26). You are precious in my sight & honoured & I love you (Is.43:4). I have written your name on the palm of my hands (Is.49:16) You are my dear son, the child I delight in (Jer.32:20).

When you were a child I loved you (Hos.11:1). It was I who taught you to walk. I took you up in my arms. I picked you up & held you to my cheek. I bent down to you & fed you (Hos11:3,4). I have cared for you from the time you were born. I will take care of you until you are old & your hair is grey. I made you, I will care for you (Is.46:4). Even if your mother forgets, yet i will never forget you (Is.49:15). I think of you with love, my heart goes out to you (Jer.31:20). I will shield you & guard you as the apple of my eye (Due.32:10) & hide you in the shadow of my wings (Ps.17:6). I will be always with you (Ps.23:4). The mountains may depart & the hills be removed but my steadfast love shall not depart from you (Is.54:10). I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have continued my faithfulness to you (Jer.31:3). My unfailing love & mercy never ceases (Lam.3:22). You shall be my treasured possession(Ex.19:5).

I have hidden you in the shadow of my hand (Is.51:16). I will never let you be defeated & put to shame (Ps.31:1). Who are your adversaries? (Is.50:8) I will give you success (Neh.2:20). fight against whoever fights you (Is.49:25). I am willing to die for you (10:15) The one who fights against you will fail (Is.54:15). You shall not be shaken (Ps.63:6). Your mind & body may grow weak, butI will hold you near to me to strengthen you (Ps.73:26-28). It is I who bandaged you when you were hurt & healed you when you were sick (Ez.34:16). I am there to draw you up from all hidden dangers & from all deadly diseases (Ps.16:8,9). In times of trouble, I will shelter you & will keep you safe in my temple (Ps.,27:5). I have heard your cry. I know all about your sufferings (Ex.3:7). I heard your groaning (Ex.2:24). I know how troubled you are; I have kept a record of your tears (Ps.56:8). I am near you when you are broken hearted (Ps.34:18). I will come near you when you call on me (Lam.3:57).

I have plans for you, plans to bring you prosperity & not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for (Jer.29:11). Surely there is a future for you & your hope will not be cut off(Prov.23:18). When you turn to the right or when you turn to yht left, your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, "this is the way, walk in it" (Is.30:21). I will help you to speak & I will tell you what to say (Ex.20:8). Therefore seek me with the sincerity of heart (Wis.1:1). Is there anything I failed to do for you? (Is.5:4) But you rebelled against me & would not listen yo me(Ex.18:23). You did not call upon me, but you have been weary of me (Is.43:2). I would rather see you repent & live (Ex.18:23). I myself will search for you & bring you back (Ex.34:12). Why are you downcast? (Gen.4:6). How I wanted to accept you as my son & give you a dlightful land, the most beautiful heritage of all nations; I wanted you to call me, my Father & never again turn away from me (Jer.3:19).

I will sweep away your trangressions like a cloud & your sins like mist (Is.44:22). I will forgive your inequity & remember your sin no more (Jer.31:34). I will tread yopur iniquities under foot. I will cast all your sins into the depths of the sea (Mica.7:19). The former things shall not be remembered or come to mind (Is65:17). I am deeply moved for you (Jer.31:20). Return to me (Is.44:22). I will rejoice in doing good to you (Jer.32:41). Return to me. I will not look on you in anger, for i am merciful, I will not be angry forever (Jer.3:12). I wait to be gracious on you (Is.30:18). I will restore your fortunes (Jer.32:44).I will renew you in my love (Zep.3:17).

Just obey my voice in what I say to you & all will go well with you (Jet.38:20). Listen to my voice & do all that I command you. So shall you be mine & I will be yours (Jer.11:4). You shall be my treasured possession out of all the people (Ex.19:5). You shall go to all to whom I send you. Do not be afraid of any (Jer.1:7-8). You will rise on wings like eagles;you will run & not get weary; you will walk & not grow weak (Is.40:31). Therefore awake, awake, put on your strength (Is.51:1). Arise, shine for your light has come & the glory of the Lord has risen up on you (Is.60:1). Go to heal the broken hearted (Is.61:1) to proclaim the year of my favor (Lk.4:19). Won't you go for me? (Is.6:8).

Most affectionately

Your own heavenly Father (Abba)

("This letter from Abba Father, was received when I was in South Africa, preaching the word of God there in June 2002. Reading the message again & again, we get a personal touch of God, resulting in inner healing & joy of heart." - Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil V. C.)

A Strange Letter

A letter written to a person on death row by the father of the man whom the former had killed:

You are probably surprised that I, of all people, am writing a letter to you, but I ask you to read it in its entirety and consider its request seriously. As the father of the man whom you took part in murdering, I have something very important to say to you. I forgive you. With all my heart, I forgive you. I realize it may be hard for you to believe, but I really do. At your trial, when you confessed to your part in the events that cost my son his life and asked for my forgiveness, I immediately granted you that forgiving love from my heart.

I can only hope you believe me and will accept my forgiveness. But this is not all I have to say to you. I want to make you an offer: I want you to become my adopted child. You see, my son who died was my only child, and I now want to share my life with you and leave my riches to you.

This may not make sense to you or anyone else, but I believe you are worth the offer.

I have arranged matters so that if you will receive my offer of forgiveness,not only will you be pardoned for your crime, but you also will be set free from your imprisonment, and your sentence of death will be dismissed. At that point, you will become my adopted child and heir to all my riches.

I realize this is a risky offer for me to make to you -- you might be tempted to reject my offer completely -- but I make it to you without reservation. Also, I realize it may seem foolish to make such an offer to one who cost my son his life, but I have a great love and an unchangeable forgiveness in my heart for you.

Finally, you may be concerned that once you accept my offer you may do something to cause you to be denied your rights as an heir to my wealth. Nothing could be further from the truth. If I can forgive you for your part in my son's death, I can forgive you for anything. I know you never will be perfect, but you do not have to be perfect to receive my offer.

Besides, I believe that once you have accepted my offer and begin to experience the riches that will come to you from me, that your primary (though not always) response will be gratitude and loyalty. Some would call me foolish for my offer to you, but I wish for you to call me your father.


Courtesy - Author Unknown