"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Saturday 28 October, 2006

Thus It All Happened

The following is a beautiful account of the blessing that my dear friend Br. Shaiju (Kalyan Diocese) received after attending a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

Date: 24th of Oct, 2006.
Venue: St. Peter’s Basilica
Occasion: The Holy Mass for the beginning of the academic year of the ecclesiastical Universities.

It was the first Holy Mass we have attended in the St.Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Mass in Lain rite, in Latin language. The whole basilica was immersed in the Gregorian music, praising the Holy Trinity. The choir was really like that of angels. Absolutely, a heavenly feeling.

We (I was with my friend) were bit late to enter into the basilica. Still we have managed to occupy ourselves at the centre of the basilica. Within a few minutes the Holy Mass began, and we attended wholeheartedly. Remember, the Holy Mass was not officiated by the Pope.

After the Holy Mass the Pope has been coming to the basilica to give the message and to bless the gathering.

"Shaiju, PĂ ppa is not on the vehicle, he is coming walking through the center... also he lays hands on everybody who stands on the sides..." Lijo (my friend) told me.

When I heard this I cursed myself. Because, firstly, we were standing nine chairs away from the side, secondly, we could enter in the basilica earlier and get the side seats if we were trying. Now it is not possible to reach the side because everyone is in the mood of being blessed by the Pope. Also, it was an unexpected decision by him, because he usually move on a small vehicle and bless the people from it.

I prayed to Mother Mary to prepare a way for me. But I became late by my own laziness. Anyway, there is no chance for me, because to overtake nine persons is not a handy task, especially in a situation like this.

"No problem, we will try during the Christmas Mass" I consoled my mind.

"No! you have a chance today!!" I felt like someone telling in my mind.

"Whatever it be, let’s see," told to my mind.

He was almost reaching us and the all were moving forward. I was also moving forward by leaving chairs behind me one,two,three… It’s finished, no more place to move.
By that time Lijo stood upon a chair and started taking some first-hand snaps of the Pope. I saw two Indian sisters standing beside me (not Keralites).

"Excuse me sisters, please let me stand in front" I asked.

They agreed, and now I am two more chairs ahead! Then I saw a vacant chair in front of me. Moving it into another line, now I am one more step further.

"Lijo!!! look!!! now I am in the second raw!!!!" I yelled.

"how could you manage this" he asked.

"I think Mother Mary has done it for me" I replied.

He was still standing on the chair and taking the photographs.

Now I clearly see the Holy Father coming forward. The more he is near the more is the heartbeats.Somany thoughts were forming in the mind... whether I would be able to touch the Pope, even if I could, as I am not in the first raw, will the photographers be able to take the photo... thus.

He is moving ahead, seconds were like minutes and minutes were like hours. Finally the Time has arrived. The pope is standing in front of me!!!!! I could not believe my eyes. I am standing a few centimeters away from the Pope Benedict XVI, the Moral King of the world, in front of him- whom the world listens carefully and obey. I stretched out my hands completely to touch him. At the same moment he raised his hands in the air. I caught on the left hand!!! His left hand was completely in my hands!!! I caught them With both of my hands!!! I started moving (waving) his hands up and down. Then he looked at me!!! into my eyes, I didn’t take my gaze from that of him. We stood like this for some four or five seconds. So beautiful brown eyes!!! What a powerful gaze!!! WOW! Still that is so clear to me when I write this. He was about to move. But I did not leave my hands. Then, his security came to me raising his hands in anger. Suddenly I left the hands of the Pope. I asked my mind, "Are there devils in heaven too???"

When he moved away I caught my hands together and moved to my seat. I sat there tranquilly and thanked Mother Mary for having cleared my way, because if She had not helped me it would have still remained as a dream.

Collegio Ecclesiastico Internationale, "Sedes Sapientiae", Via Dei Genovesi-30, 00153-Roma, Italy.

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