"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Monday 27 September, 2010

Knowing Right & Wrong is Not Enough

As I was having a conversation with Dr. Savina on the Marriage Preparation Course materials, I was reminded of some of the reflections which I had upon the responses to the "hot topic" of Pro-Life during the course. I thought those points make sense in our current discussions.

1. When we convey the teachings of the Church on the sexual morality, it typically confronts opposition or disinterest. It appears that definition of something as as right or wrong does not matter to them.
2. Apparently, only those with firm belief in God are the ones who at least agrees with us and makes a firm decision to practise it.

Why? Take an example of one sin you have given up after coming to know Jesus. Say, bribing a traffic cop. Did we know before that it was wrong? Yes. Then what made us change our mind? It is not certainly the knowledge that it is sin, coz we already knew. Then what made the difference? The experience we had of Jesus Christ made the difference. We experience the real joy of a life in communion with Jesus, we have discovered that He is true, is infinitely good, who rewards our good and bad, takes delight in the good and is offended by the bad, who died our death and so on. You also know that you have become a son/daughter of God, created in his image and likeness, heir to God and co-heir with Jesus Christ, temple of God, co-citizens of the holy ones and a member of the House of God. While the world repeats the mistake of the first parents by trying to test and decide for themselves good and evil, we now understand that the right and wrong is revealed by God alone, and no man can redefine or twist it. From the sum-total of all these do we make a decision to align ourselves to the Will of God and imitate the Son of God in obedience. The world gets deceived by the notion "everyone is doing it, so why can't we? even if a God exists, can he dare to judge against the majority?", but the Word of God reveals to us that though the majority goes through the wide gate, only those who pass by the narrow gate will be enter.

I understand that to make a decision not to bribe need not always come from a person's personal encounter with Jesus. We find several upright non-Christians who obeys the Word of God written in their conscience, and are convinced of the right and wrong. But when it comes to sexual morality, it is very hard. I know for sure because I have been challenged by several people, in my close family & friends' circles to compromise on the matter of contraception for all the right reasons. I can say without any doubt that it was the conviction given by Jesus Christ alone that did not allow me to give in.

At times, even faith in Jesus is not enough. That is evident in the fact that the Church (not the magisterium, but the faithful) is divided in this issue more than any other issue. I can't blame extremely good people not agreeing to the Church teaching. I was given suggestions/advice of doing sterilization/Copper-T etc. and then make a confession (from Charismatic Catholics). But if we manage to explain the original greatness of man by pointing to the beginning (As John Paul does in the Theology of the Body), the effect of sin, and how Jesus restores our dignity and our original greatness, I hope that we can convince at least the believers who has problems with the teaching. I see that superficial mis-information about Church Teachings as dictated "rights and wrongs" as a major obstacle to knowing the truth, the truth that sets us free.

Probably we must speak out - "I follow NFP not because it is the most effective means of Birth Control, but because that is the only means (other than total abstinence) that befits my state as a son of God created in his image & likeness, as a member of the Body of Christ. I opt NFP and a big family not out of fear of judgement, but out of real freedom that came through the redemption of our bodies in Christ Jesus."

"Man must reconcile himself to his natural greatness," declares Pope John Paul II in his book, Love & Responsibility, written while the future Pope was still known as Fr. Karol Wojtyla.

Friday 10 September, 2010

TOB Reflection – Sacramental Image of One Flesh Union

While describing the two accounts of creation in Genesis in the original languages, Pope John Paul II (JP2) points out an interesting observation. When God created human, he is referred to as 'Adam' (created from dust). But when Even was separated, man is referred to as 'ishah' or 'ish' (stands for male) in relation to ishshah ("woman", because she was taken from her man - ish).

Thus the human being whom God created in the beginning became 'male' only when woman (female) was separated from her man (male). Thus in a way we can say that "masculinity" and "femininity" came into existence in the same moment in the human history.

Human being before getting a sexual identity was made to understand by God that he will never be happy in solitude. He needed someone whom he can communicate his love. He did not find any other creature suitable to be his companion. After separating another person from him, he found in Eve someone whom he found as perfect companion with who he can share his image of God, who is similar to him in most respects but with differences that mutually make them complimentary. It was evident from his first words expressing his joy and fulfilment -"Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone". He found in her his own fulfilment, completion.

"No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, who is at the Father's side, has revealed him." - John 1:18.

JP2 says - just as Christ revealed the invisible God to us, our body reveals our invisible soul. Sacraments are visible signs of invisible grace. Christ came as a sacrament of God. Likewise, body is the sacrament of soul. Nobody can see my soul (nor mind), but my body alone. But you can to some extend measure the state of my soul looking at how I conduct. When someone sees my body, [s]he knows that I as a whole being is present there.

Thus, what we do with our body is supposed to reflect what goes with our soul. If it's not, then we are not in harmony with our whole being. The Conjugal act of being "One Flesh" is thus supposed to be a total union of the husband and wife, a total self-giving and a total surrender. The pleasure attached with the One Flesh union must also reflect in the joy of accepting each other as a precious gift from God, that echoes "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh". Thus the one-flesh union is a sacrament of an invisible unity.

Thursday 9 September, 2010

TOB Reflection - Conjugal Love

Conjugal love is the love ordained by God to be between a husband and his wife. It is a love that binds them to an exclusive relationship that they are supposed to give total fidelity till the death of one of the partners. This love mirrors the self-less and total self-giving love between God the Father and Jesus His Son. Just as Jesus (God's Word) was born before eternity from the Father, God gave shape to the Woman from the bone of Man's rib. Adam expressed his love through these words from the bottom of his heart (Gen 2:23-24) -

23 the man said: "This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of 'her man' this one has been taken."
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.

The Father loves the Son entirely and gives Himself entirely to the Son. The Son loves the Father and gives Himself entirely to the Father, and submits Himself to the Father. From their total self giving love the Third Person, the Holy Spirit proceeds. These Three Persons form a Total Communion of Love - the Holy Trinity, Three Persons, One God.

We see God preparing Himself to create man. (Gen 1:26-27)

26 Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground."
27 God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them, saying: "Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth."

We see that creating main in God's image has a lot to do with creating them as male and female (They are but in one verse). The image of the Holy Trinity can be clearly found in the God's dream of human family.

Friday 3 September, 2010

TOB Reflection - Conjugal Spirituality & Sexual Morality

One of the greatest resources we can ever avail of on marriage, celibacy and marital spirituality in the journey towards heaven is said to be John Paul II's great work "Theology of the Body" (http://www.ewtn.com/library/papaldoc/jp2tbind.htm) For those who wish to have an off-line copy of the same, do write to me.

It is impossible to understand the morality on the subjects like Abortion, Contraception, Divorce, Homosexuality, Adultery, Masturbation etc. if we do not understand what sexuality is in the eternal plan of God. I hope our discussion in this subject will help all of us to understand this aspect, on the basis of which the moral issues which we are discussing can be explained.

Very often when I engage in discussions with my friends on abortion, contraception etc., I find it extremely difficult to make my point if I do not touch upon of God and his design. It is true, that to accept and understand ourselves, one must be ready to open up his/her heart to accept our Creator and His ways. It is not surprising, as the Word of God suggests!

Matthew 19:3-14 says (http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/bible/matthew/matthew19.htm)
3 Some Pharisees approached him, and tested him, saying, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause whatever?"
4 He said in reply, "Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female'
5 and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?
6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate."
7 They said to him, "Then why did Moses command that the man give the woman a bill of divorce and dismiss (her)?"
8 He said to them, "Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.
9 I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery."
10 [His] disciples said to him, "If that is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry."
11 He answered, "Not all can accept [this] word, but only those to whom that is granted.
12 Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it."
13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them,
14 but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

So, we should not be surprised that not all can accept His word, but only those to whom that is granted. Let us try to learn from God like children, for the mysteries of the Kingdom are revealed to them. Let us pray that we may become like little children.