"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Monday 5 June, 2006

Some ROSARY Tips

(This posting is more relevant for those who are familiar with this beautiful form of prayer. For more details about rosary, visit http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm)

I want to share some tips while praying rosary, or rather, it applies to any prayer we make. It need not be taken as authentic, coz it is a result of my reflection during my prayer time. The "some people" I refer below very much include me too, as I look back at 9 years of my walk with the Lord.

1. What should be the speed of saying a prayer?

a. Some people say vocal prayers as if in tongues. It is so fast that Mother Mary and God the Father (I assume) find it very difficult to follow it, and fall in utter confusion. ;)

b. Some are better. They say the prayer fairly fast, but as they say it their mind try to follow the words. It helps, but still it is very likely that we miss the meaning.

c. Some people are very slow; probably because of the bad experiences (a) and (b) they go to the other extreme. They think that praying slowly pleases God. In this attempt they even distract the others who are praying with them. The mind has to wait for some time before the words follow it. Mind finds it difficult to connect the beginnning to end of a sentence.

d. To my understanding and experience, words should go hand in hand with the mind. Words are to help our mind, and not to distract it. Words cannot gauarantee to express the true state of the mind. If mind wanders in between, words must wait. By practising this, "words get aware of its importance and will wait for its dear friend mind, and vice versa." The Lord who looks at the heart takes delight in such a prayer, and in the one who prays. This benefits us and we grow in His relationship and in love towards God and Mother Mary.

It is true that when we pray as a group, words cannot wait for the mind. But the sincere prayer of type (d) by others will help our minds not to wander. Also, the above said kind of prayer must be practised during personal prayer time.

2. What about intentions, mysteries during rosary?

a. When we meditate about a mystery, we must truly spend some time in meditation. All the mysteries are Word of God Himself (I like to say Himself rather than itelf). They do have relevance in our personal and community life. I experience His healing, consolation and power during this excercise.

b. It is a good practice to offer our prayer intentions during each mystery. Our Mother too prays with us for all these intentions. But be careful... out of zeal many a time our mind is so engrossed in "pushing" those intentions to Heaven even when we say "Our Father" and "Hail Mary".

c. When we say "Our Father", we are speaking to Our Father, and nothing else. It is not a time of meditating the mysteries or raising our intentions. Let the mysteries (though they are Word of God) not distract us from our personal, intimate talk with the Father. Mean it every word, for it is the prayer taught by God.... it is the greatest prayer we can ever make to God. We don't know better words to express our love for Him, seek His kingdom and righteousness, raise our petitions, receive deliverance, healing and protection, and to declare that all kingdom, authority, praise and glory belongs to Him. Let the intentions "offered" in the beginning, stay as "offering" and not as endless cycle of "offering at His feet, taking back in hand and again offering."

Same is the case with "Hail Mary". It is your time and prayer with our Beloved Mother. She knows how to add to our intentions her Powerful Intercession. Take that time to grow in her love and care rather than worry about our needs.

I thank God for rosary and other prayers recommended by the Church. Even those who do not know how to use beautiful and eloquent words to pray can get benefited. When we do it contemplatively and meaningfully, it is new every time, we find the fresh streams of Living Waters flowing to us.

+ Hail Jesus + ... + Ave Maria +

Prayerfully yours......

Binu Asokan.

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