"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Thursday 21 October, 2010

Lessons Learnt while Helping the Choir

Dear all,

Being a shy person by nature and with a lot of stage-fright, it was only out of sheer need that I started becoming a part of the Music Ministry in Jesus Youth Mumbai, sometime from year 2003. Stage fright is to a little measure still there with me, but I could really see myself experiencing a tremendous healing in this area, especially when I go out on stage to sing. I shared this to encourage people who strongly feel that this is your ministry, but have lots of fear in mind.

Now I am back with something to share with you on the lessons I learnt over these years while helping in the Music Ministry. As I said about the "Mass lessons" this too is a reflection on my experience, and I am not presenting this as general rules.

  • I am part of something larger than my talent / aspirations / ambitions / glory etc. etc.I've heard that when a Eucharist is celebrated, the whole heavens come down around the altar to watch the awe-inspiring mysteries of the Trinity, Incarnation, [Birth, Life, Passion, Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ], Redemption, Transubstantiation and so on. In a smaller measure though, something similar happens during Eucharistic Adoration, Bible Proclamation, further down to Praise & Worship / Rosary etc. Nobody attending the service has come to listen to 'my voice', but my voice can be instrumental in lifting their hearts to God and His mighty presence along with the heavenly hosts.
  • I am there to support the Liturgy or the specific ministry such as Word of God sharing, Praise & Worship etc.
    In the case of Mass, what I can do best is to choose the songs that suits to the theme of the Bible Readings and the Homily. I find that the Priests truly admire our effort to complement their job of putting a message across to the people of God. I might have better songs in my kitty, but they might have nothing to do with the day's theme. The same is the case when someone else is leading the Adoration, Praise & Worship etc. The beauty of the service doubles when everyone gives their best "in one accord".
  • I am there to lead the people of God to greater intimacy with the LORD
    To the extent possible, I must avoid singing songs that very few or no one in the congregation knows. I must realize that majority of the congregation wants to join with us in singing. Of course there are occasions where this can be violated, for example during moments of intense worship, and only one or two lines are sung in repetition. But for most of the time, if we cannot teach the song to the congregation in advance, it will end up leading people to distraction.
  • I must not be a distraction
    If I attempt fancy things to get noticed and appreciated, even if that goes extremely well there is a chance of I distracting the congregation. I must pray hard for the anointing so that when I sing they must lift up their eyes and ears to Jesus, and not down to me.
  • When I prepare in prayer for the service, I must pray for the entire service, and not just for my role.
    This has happened with me several times. I prepare for the Adoration & Healing Service part where I am supposed to sing. But the service also includes Mass, Novena, Confession, Counseling etc. Our prayers must be to bring people to the experience of God's love, repentance, healing and deliverance. When I am praying for the people to be touched by God only when I sing, I forget the Power of the Mass, Power of the Intercession of the Saint whose the Novena is and so on; and I also forget the need to pray for the Priest, the Altar Ministers, other Choir members, the Congregation as a whole etc. and even the Priest who sit for Confession and the Elders who sit for counseling. It's the ministry of the Church, not just mine.
  • I must know my sinfulness as well as the willingness of God to work through me
    I think it is self-explanatory. I should not forget what I am. But I should also remember that He is a generous Daddy who wants us to take part in His work. Jesus said to the disciples before He multiplied the loaves & fish - "There is no need for them to go away; give them some food yourselves." (Mat 14:16 http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/matthew/matthew14.htm). Trust in His Words and serve Him, for multitudes will be fed through you

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