"Are you so busy in life, that you missed the UNLIMITED LOVE, that came searching for you?"

Thursday 6 September, 2007

God's Smile

My younger son Joshua is now almost 5 months old. One of the most noticeable thing about him is - you can immediately say if you have ever spent some time with him - that he is a smiling beauty. He smiles at anyone and everyone. To me he gives some of the most delightful moments with his cute innocent smile, that often conveys a lot of things - Love, Expectation, Innocence, Peace, Joy, Holiness.....

At times I tell Neethu - "Look, this is how God smiles! Of course, His smile must be even more beautiful; for He is the most innocent, most loving, the seat of all righteousness, peace and joy."

Jesus took delight in little infants. Scriptures depict the beautiful incident when He praised the Father for hiding the wisdom of His Kingdom from the wise and the learned, and instead revealing it to children.

And the Kingdom of God is... Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. And that's why we find it difficult to smile like Joshua does.

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